cassandra reffner


How do you sell a "19th Century" product to a 21st century customer?

In 2015, the Pennsylvania Ballet needed a way to revamp their marketing tactics. The Temple Analytics Challenge, which is an annual competition for data visualizations created by students, gave the Pennsylvania Ballet a rare opportunity to garner unique solutions to their problem.

Data Analytics, Illustration, Research, Design

Art Direction \ Abby Guido

1st Place in the Temple Analytics Challenge 2015

Business Designed Blog \ Top MBA \ Fox School of Business News & Releases \ MFA new MBA \ Design Ideas

Numbers drove her story and connecting the results of her analysis to situationally relevant secondary research supported her findings.
— James Moustafellos
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Analyzing the Data

The Pennsylvania Ballet allowed access to a data set with over 40,000 data points. Some of the information included was the audience member's ID, which plays they attended, and their location. I found that audience members who returned more than once used the website to book their tickets. They were also more likely to order a subscription service. This helped form my overall solution to propose that the PA Ballet update their online presence in order to engage and market more towards their current audience.
